Transparence and sustainabiliy
The Palau de la Música Catalana is committed to sustainability in its broadest sense, applying sustainable criteria in management economic, social and environmental.
We believe in the transformative power of music
The Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música Catalana wants to be an innovative institution, with solid roots in the country and with the desire to improve people and unite society through the artistic excellence of musical programming, the practice of singing choir and heritage, transmitting universal values and strengthening Catalan culture, with an economic balance that allows the development of its programming and the overall sustainability of the project.
We integrate sustainability into the economic, social, labor, environmental and good governance management of the institution, meeting the expectations of the organization's interest groups (workers, clients and consumers, suppliers, community and environment).
Good corporate governance
The Foundation works under the parameters of Good Corporate Governance, that is, through the implementation of rules, principles and procedures that promote the internal decision making by the governing bodies, in order to improve economic efficiency, financial stability and sustainable economic growth. This provides economic and legal security in the management of the institution.
Environmental commitment
Our commitment in environmental policy is based, among others, on the following aspects:
- Compliance with the legal requirements in force in environmental matters.
- Minimizing significant environmental aspects and preventing pollution.
- Management of equipment and new installations with energy efficiency criteria.
- To promote the implementation of renewable energy installations.
- To strive for an adequate management and use of resources in order to search for improvement alternatives in their processes.
- Minimize the waste generated and manage it correctly.
- Inform and involve all our employees, customers and suppliers in this commitment.
Social commitment
We are committed to economic and social development and contribute our knowledge and management skills, as well as dedicating part of our budget to social investment. Dialogue with our stakeholders and society allows us to understand the expectations and interests of the community in order to become involved in its development.
Learn about our social projects