We invite you to be part of one of the most genuine symbols of our country's culture

Support us

The Palau de la Música Catalana is a symbol of Catalan culture and an essential economic, artistic, and social engine of Barcelona and the country. It plays a fundamental role in the promotion, dissemination, access, and preservation of music and heritage.

As a private entity, we need the support and collaboration of companies and individuals to join our project and help us improve people's lives through music and culture. And now, in addition, donations enjoy better tax benefits.

Palau's project

Discover each of the programs we carry out, which are so necessary for the city and the country. With over 700,000 visitors and concert attendees, the Palau is a cultural icon of the country. Join our project!

We are ambassadors of choral singing everywhere; a key pillar of the country's choral singing; we transform the lives of children and young people through free choral practice; we schedule over 150 annual concerts with excellence as our flagship accessible to all groups; we offer concerts for families and schools to awaken musical enjoyment from childhood; we preserve this world heritage building and the documentary funds housed in the CEDOC. All of this is possible thanks to the support of companies and individuals who believe in our values and support our project. Thank you for making it possible.

Discover the project 


Corporate sponsorship

Tel: + 34 932 957 214; M: +34 689 194 473 [email protected]

Individual patronage

Tel: +34 932 957 236
[email protected]