QUARTET ATENEA ©Mario Wurzburger

Closing of El Primer Palau 2023

—Quartet Atenea, winners of El Primer Palau 2022


Before the Atenea Quartet's performance, the El Primer Palau Awards 2023 will take place.


Quartet Atenea:
Gil Sisquella, violin
Jaume Angelès, violin
Bernat Santacana, viola
Iago Domínguez Eiras, cello


J. S. Bach: Aus meines Herzens Grunde, BWV 269 and Mitten wir im Leben sind, BWV 383
F. Coll: Chants
F. Mendelssohn: String quartet no. 2, op. 13

Information and tickets

Dates and tickets

  • 23 November 2023
    20:00 h
    Concert Hall

Production information

Prices:15 euros
Organized by:Fundació Orfeó Català-Palau de la Música
With support from:

Ticket Office

C/ Palau de la Música, 4-6
08003 Barcelona
T. 932 957 207
[email protected]

Monday to: from 9 am to 9 pm.
Saturdays: from 9.30 am to 9 pm.
Sunday and public holidays: from 9.30 am to 1 pm and 2 hours before the concert (for sale day).

Closing of El Primer Palau 2023