Great choruses by Morricone, Zimmer & Williams

Great choruses by Morricone, Zimmer & Williams
Sociedad Coral Excelentia
Royal Film Concert Orchestra
Fernando Furones, conductor
La misión
El rey león
El señor de los anillos
1492: La conquista del paraíso
Piratas del Caribe
Star Wars: Duel of the fates
El Rey Arturo
Pearl Harbor
Il mercenario
Vangelis: Titans
Salvar al soldado Ryan
El bueno, el feo y el malo
Injection (Mission: Impossible)
Dry your tears, Afrika (Amistad)
The ecstasy of gold
Star Wars: Battle of the héroes
Enjoy the most famous soundtracks by John Williams, Ennio Morricone and Hans Zimmer for choir and symphony orchestra. A large choir will perform, together with the symphony orchestra, the most famous melodies of the three cinema geniuses and other composers.